Premium Englisch für MT 05.03.25 Carmen LobitzFoot-and-mouth disease – What is important?Let’s say it in English English expert article on foot-and-mouth disease
Premium Englisch für MT 05.02.25 Carmen LobitzArteriosclerosis is an example of a vascular disease: What is...Let’s say it in English Expert article on vascular diseases
Premium Englisch für MT 05.01.25 Carmen LobitzCommon Cattle Diseases: An OverviewLet’s say it in English English Expert Article With an Overview of Common Cattle Diseases
Premium Englisch für MT 05.12.24 Carmen LobitzMedical Crossword 2024Let’s say it in English Medical Crossword 2024
Premium Englisch für MT 28.10.24 Carmen LobitzWhat Roles do Medical Technologists in Healthcare have?Let’s say it in English Expert english article on the reform of the German MTA training.
Premium Englisch für MT 05.10.24 Carmen LobitzCushing’s Syndrome in Dogs English expert article on Cushing’s syndrome in dogs
Premium Englisch für MT 05.09.24 Carmen LobitzTransient Global AmnesiaWhat is it exactly? Expert article in English about transient global amnesia (TGA)
Premium Englisch für MT 05.08.24 Carmen LobitzEquine Influenza – What’s important to know?Let’s say it in English Expert article on Equine Influenza: What’s important to know?
Premium Englisch für MT 05.07.24 Carmen LobitzLung Cancer – what do we need to know? Expert article in English on lung cancer
Premium Englisch für MT 01.06.24 Carmen LobitzTransmitted via ticks: the alpha-gal syndrome Expert article on the transmission of the alpha-gal syndrome via ticks
Premium Englisch für MT 02.05.24 Carmen LobitzA few words on dementia English expert article on dementia
Premium Englisch für MT 05.04.24 Carmen LobitzWhat about Diabetes mellitus in dogs? Expert article on diabetes mellitus in dogs
Premium Englisch für MT 05.03.24 Carmen LobitzNeuroinfections – what should we know?Let's say it in English English expert article on neuroinfections
Premium Englisch für MT 05.02.24 Carmen LobitzFood Poisoning: Toxins in our daily food? Expert article on food poisoning
Premium Englisch für MT 05.01.24 Carmen LobitzMorphine: Boon and bane Expert article on different opioids
Premium Englisch für MT 05.12.23 Carmen LobitzRadiology: Prospects of virtual realityLet's say it in English Expert article about the prospects of virtual reality in radiology
Premium Englisch für MT 05.10.23 Carmen LobitzA short introduction to Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Expert article on Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
Premium Englisch für MT 05.09.23 Carmen LobitzCARDIAC MRI – Some Procedure Details Expert article on Cardiac MRI
Premium Englisch für MT 04.08.23 Carmen LobitzPolysomnography – A night in the sleep laboratoryLet's say it in English What does it look like in a sleep laboratory? Sleep laboratories are often located in departments of…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.07.23 Carmen LobitzCataract – Only a disease of the elderly? English expert article on cataracts
Premium Englisch für MT 05.06.23 Carmen LobitzFacts about Pregnancy Testing English expert article with facts about pregnancy testing
Premium Englisch für MT 05.05.23 Carmen LobitzWhat should we know about Pneumonia?Let's say it in English English expert article on pneumonia
Premium Englisch für MT 05.04.23 Carmen LobitzSemen Analysis (Spermiogram)Sperm count A semen analysis, also called a sperm count, measures the volume and analyses the quality of semen…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.03.23 Carmen LobitzA short introduction to urinary tract infections (UTI) Expert article on urinary tract infections (UTI)
Premium Englisch für MT 03.02.23 Carmen LobitzWhy does a lab need quality management?Let's say it in English Expert article on quality management systems
Premium Englisch für MT 05.01.23 Carmen LobitzCould it be the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)?Let's say it in English Expert article about the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Premium Englisch für MT 05.12.22 Carmen LobitzMedical Crossword 2022Let's say it in English Welcome to our English MTA Dialog medical crossword in December 2022! After reading MTA Dialog this…
Premium CoronavirusEnglisch für MT 04.11.22 Carmen LobitzCan Vaccination alleviate Long COVID?Let's say it in English Expert article on the effectiveness of vaccination on Long COVID
Premium Englisch für MT 05.09.22 Carmen LobitzRadiological diagnosis of head injuries with a CT-Scan Expert article on radiological diagnosis of head injuries with a CT scan
Premium Englisch für MT 05.08.22 Carmen LobitzEndometriosisLet’s say it in English English expert article on endometriosis: meaning, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, perception…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.07.22 Carmen LobitzMonkeypox: Do we have to worry?Let's say it in English English expert article on monkeypox: epidemiology, diagnostics, vaccines, risks
Premium Englisch für MT 05.06.22 Carmen LobitzLyme Disease – Important FactsLet's say it in English Expert article with important facts on Lyme disease
Premium Englisch für MT 05.05.22 Carmen LobitzHow Infectious Diseases SpreadSome Basic Principles Expert article on the basic principles of the spread of infectious diseases.
Premium Englisch für MT 05.04.22 Carmen LobitzCholesterol – why is it so important?What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a crucial element of the cell membrane. Our body also needs this naturally occurring…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.03.22 Carmen LobitzOsteoporosis – Only a disease of the elderly?What is osteoporosis? Bone is a living tissue. It is persistently broken down and renewed. Osteoporosis occurs when the…
Premium Englisch für MT 04.02.22 Carmen LobitzWhat is there to know about avian influenza?What is avian flu Avian influenza (abbreviated: avian flu/bird flu) is a zoonosis. This means that a disease is…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.01.22 Carmen LobitzA Quick Guide to COVID-19 Booster VaccinationWhat is a booster vaccination? Booster vaccination” generally means that people receive an additional vaccine injection sometime…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.12.21 Carmen LobitzMedical Crossword 2021Let's say it in English Welcome to our English MTA Dialog medical crossword in December 2021! After reading MTA Dialog this…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.11.21 Carmen LobitzSARS-CoV-2 Antibody DetectionAntibody Testing The detection of antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 is important, because this identifies whether patients…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.10.21 Carmen LobitzPulmonary TuberculosisLet's say it in English Tuberculosis (TB) is a notifiable infectious disease that is widespread worldwide and was one of the…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.09.21 Carmen LobitzArtificial Intelligence in RadiologyLet's say it in English How can Artificial Intelligence Support Radiologists? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is based on…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.08.21 Carmen LobitzClavicle fracture (Broken Collarbone) Quick Facts Where is the clavicle and how can it fracture? The clavicle is the only bone connecting the bones…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.07.21 Carmen LobitzClostridium botulinumFacts About Botulism Which germ causes the disease botulism?
Premium Englisch für MT 04.06.21 Carmen LobitzHeart CT ScanWhat is it useful for? Recent developments in CT technology have progressed to the point where diagnostic images of the…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.05.21 Carmen LobitzCommon Parasites in CatsLet's say it in English Parasites are both fascinating and terrifying organisms. They infest their host, which are often…
Premium Englisch für MT 06.04.21 Carmen LobitzThe most important blood tests (II)Let's say it in English Second part of the article on the most important blood tests. Published so far: The most important…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.03.21 Carmen LobitzThe most important blood tests (I)Blood Analysis The most versatile method of determining the specific needs and deficiencies of a patient’s body is…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.02.21 Carmen LobitzForensic toxicologyLet's say it in English What is forensic toxicology? Forensic toxicology is a field of forensic medicine concerned with the…
Premium Englisch für MT 04.01.21 Carmen LobitzOrgan donationWhat is the current situation in Germany? Organs and tissues can be donated by living people, called „the donors“. However, most organs and…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.12.20 Carmen LobitzMedical Crossword 2020Let's say it in English Welcome to our English MTA Dialog medical crossword in December 2020! After reading MTA Dialog this…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.11.20 Carmen LobitzX-ray RadiationRadiology Who discovered it and how has the technology been developed? The German physicist Wilhelm Conrad…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.10.20 Carmen LobitzRadiotherapy in Veterinary MedicineWhat is radiotherapy and when is it used? In general, focused radiation produces chemical radicals that impair tumour (and other) cells and…
Premium Englisch für MT 04.09.20 Carmen LobitzColonoscopy and EnteroscopyWhat are colonoscopy and enteroscopy? Colonoscopy means the examination of the colon with a colonoscope. Additionally, tissue samples can…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.08.20 Carmen LobitzSexually Transmitted Diseases (III)Let's say it in English There are four types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) classified by their pathogens:…
Premium Englisch für MT 06.07.20 Carmen LobitzSexually Transmitted Diseases (II)Let's say it in English There are four types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) classified by their pathogens:…
Premium InfektionskrankheitenNachwuchsEnglisch für MT 05.06.20 Carmen LobitzSexually Transmitted Diseases (I)Let's say it in English What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)? STDs are diseases that are transmitted via various…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.05.20 Carmen LobitzFood Analysis – Pathogenic Bacteria in FoodLet's say it in English Repeatedly, newspaper headlines feature corporate scandals concerning germs in food. Most recently…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.04.20 Carmen LobitzThe three major skin cancer types (II)Skin Cancer In the January issue 2020, I described the basics of skin cancer. In this issue I am going to…
Premium CoronavirusEnglisch für MT 02.03.20 Carmen LobitzCoronavirusCurrently known facts about SARS-CoV-2 (previously 2019-nCoV) In December 2019 there was a cluster of pneumoniae cases in the Chinese city of Wuhan (pop. approx.…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.02.20 Carmen LobitzOverdiagnosis – Less is MoreLet's say it in English “WHY THEN, CAN ONE DESIRE TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING?” William Shakespeare, As You Like It (1600 AD)
Premium Englisch für MT 01.01.20 Carmen LobitzSkin Cancer – When skin cells grow abnormallyBasic Information (I) It’s winter and it’ll take a while until next summer: nevertheless, this article provides general…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.12.19 Carmen LobitzMedical Crossword 2019Let's say it in English Welcome to our English MTA Dialog medical crossword in December 2019! After reading MTA Dialog 2019…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.11.19 Carmen LobitzFive Words about the usage of a DosimeterDosimetry in medicine In various professions where people are exposed to radiation it is very important to know how that…
Premium Englisch für MTInfektionskrankheiten 03.10.19 Carmen LobitzDengue Fever – a Short OverviewLet's say it in English Worldwide, about 390 million people are infected with the Dengue virus each year. The number of…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.09.19 Carmen LobitzA Stroke in a NutshellLet's say it in English A stroke can happen to anyone at any time and to all age groups – from unborns, to newborns,…
Premium Englisch für MTInfektionskrankheiten 05.08.19 Carmen LobitzHuman Papillomaviruses (HPV)Let's say it in English What is HPV? We know about 200 different types of human papillomaviruses (HPV) of which about 40…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.07.19 Carmen LobitzInsect Venom AllergyBee Sting Allergy What is an insect venom allergy? This is when someone gets bitten or stung by an insect and shows an…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.06.19 Carmen LobitzVeterinary medicineEquine MRI (MRI of a horse) The world has heard about magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning as a diagnostic tool for human…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.05.19 Carmen LobitzThe Human Sensory OrgansLet's say it in English What are senses? A sense is the ability to perceive stimuli from the environment and the own body.…
Premium Englisch für MT 05.04.19 Carmen LobitzDigital Transformation of the Working WorldLet's say it in English The terms digitization, digitalization and digital transformation can often be confused due to their…
Premium Englisch für MTInfektionskrankheitenNachwuchs 05.03.19 Carmen LobitzDisinfection in Health Care FacilitiesLet’s say it in English In health care facilities, risks exist. The employees are the most at risk. Firstly, the risk of…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.01.19 Carmen LobitzYou Better Take Care of Your Gut BacteriaLet's say it in English Less than ten years ago, most people were unaware of the critical role the microbiome plays within…
Premium Englisch für MT 30.11.18 Carmen LobitzMedical Crossword 2018Let's say it in English Welcome to our English MTA Dialog medical crossword in December 2018! With this feature you may test…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.11.18 Carmen LobitzPhysiology of the HeartLet's say it in English The heart lies in the center of the thoracic cavity, also called the mediastinum. It has four…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.10.18 Carmen LobitzUltrasound ExaminationsLet’s say it in English What is ultrasound? Ultrasound is a sound wave with a frequency in the megahertz range (between 1…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.09.18 Carmen LobitzGeneralized Anxiety DisorderLet's say it in English Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized by persistent and excessive anxiety and worry.…
Premium Englisch für MT 31.07.18 Carmen LobitzAfrican Swine FeverLet’s say it in English What is African swine fever? African swine fever is a deadly animal disease that only appears among…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.07.18 Carmen LobitzNipah VirusLet’s say it in English What is known about the Nipah virus disease? The Nipah virus (NiV) causes a severe infectious…
Premium Englisch für MT 29.05.18 Carmen LobitzThe Function of the Adrenal GlandsLet’s say it in English The two adrenal glands of the human body are very important and secrete various hormones.
Premium Englisch für MT 02.05.18 Carmen LobitzThe Function of the Thyroid and Parathyroid GlandLet’s say it in English How is the thyroid gland structured? The thyroid gland surrounds the trachea, just below the larynx.…
Premium Englisch für MT 27.03.18 Carmen LobitzThe Spinal CordLet’s say it in English The spinal cord is of great importance to the nervous system and to the whole body.
Premium Englisch für MT 01.03.18 Carmen LobitzThe BrainAn anatomical overview of the Brain and its Regions What kind of brain regions do we distinguish?
Premium Englisch für MT 30.01.18 Carmen LobitzNervous System (2)Types of Neurons, Nerves and Nerve Tracts A nerve is a bundle of nerve fibers, which are the axons of the neurons. A nerve connects the CNS…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.01.18 Carmen LobitzNervous SystemNerve Tissue, Neurons, Nerve Impulses What are the components of the nervous system? The nervous system has two complimentary parts: the…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.12.17 Carmen LobitzMedical Crossword 2017Let's say it in English Welcome to our English MTA Dialog medical crossword in December 2017! With this feature you may test…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.11.17 Carmen LobitzAlzheimer’s DiseaseCauses and Symptoms Worldwide, around 24 million people are affected by dementia. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a form of…
Premium Englisch für MT 27.09.17 Carmen LobitzThe Kidney (3)Examples for Treatments and Therapy The cases of kidney diseases can be classified as acute or chronic diseases. Unfortunately, some…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.09.17 Carmen LobitzThe Kidney (2)Diseases and Conditions As described in the last issue, the kidneys are essential and hardworking organs. Many diseases can…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.08.17 Carmen LobitzThe Kidney (1)Location, Anatomy & Function The kidneys are essential and hardworking organs, one might compare them to the liver. Many…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.07.17 Carmen LobitzSchizophreniaWhat is the Mental Illness Schizophrenia? First, I would like to explain what schizophrenia is. One common myth is, that a schizophrenic…
Premium Englisch für MT 30.05.17 Carmen LobitzThe Liver (3)Diagnostic Tests and Clinical Significance If a patient has a liver disease, laboratory tests, radiologic diagnostic and possibly histological…
Premium Englisch für MT 01.05.17 Carmen LobitzThe Liver (2)Diseases and Conditions Regardless the cause of a liver disease – they can be inherited (genetic) or caused by a variety of…
Premium Englisch für MT 30.03.17 Carmen LobitzThe Liver (1)Location, Anatomy & Function The liver function is essential for the human physiology. Without the liver we could not live.
Premium Englisch für MT 02.03.17 Carmen LobitzLearning Genetics (2)CRISPR-Cas9 system – A Kind of a Memory Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna discovered the CRISPR-Cas9 system in 2011.
Premium Englisch für MT 01.02.17 Carmen LobitzLearning Genetics (1)DNA Microarray DNA microarray analysis has recently become one of the fastest growing new technologies in the field…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.01.17 Carmen LobitzHIV/AIDSStill an important issue HIV stands for “Human Immuno Deficiency Virus”. During this infection the body is no longer able to…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.12.16 Carmen LobitzMedical Crossword 2016Let’s say it in English Welcome to our English MTA Dialog medical crossword in December 2016! With this feature you may test…
Premium Englisch für MT 03.11.16 Carmen LobitzUrinalyses in the Veterinary ClinicLet’s say it in English Urinalyses are very helpful if there’s a suspicion on a disease an animal might have.
Premium Englisch für MT 02.10.16 Carmen LobitzBlood Cultures in the Veterinary ClinicBlood Cultures A few bacteria may enter the bloodstream (bacteremia), in case of a localized infection, but they…
Premium Englisch für MT 31.08.16 Carmen LobitzReactions and PrecautionsContrast Media (2) Side effects and body reactions of contrast media are rare and usually very mild. Nevertheless, some…
Premium Englisch für MT 02.08.16 Carmen LobitzWhat are contrast materials and which are available?Contrast Media (1): A very basic introduction Distinguishing normal from abnormal conditions in internal organs, contrast materials, also called…
Premium Englisch für MT 24.06.16 Carmen LobitzWhat’s important to know?Listeriosis Spiegel online titled on May 30th 2016: „Listerien-Fund: Wurstfirma ruft alle Produkte zurück“…
Premium Englisch für MT 31.05.16 Carmen LobitzAB0 System and Rh Factor: What exactly is the AB0 System?Serologic Tests (2) The AB0 grouping system is of primary importance. Since every human has one of the four blood types…
Premium Englisch für MT 30.03.16 Carmen LobitzHow to screen blood for transfusionsSerologic Tests (1): Blood Donation Med Techs need to know the latest methods about blood screening for transfusions, since patients are…