Medical Crossword 2024

Let’s say it in English
Carmen Lobitz
Graphic of a simple crossword
© paisan/

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* Pflichtfeld

Welcome to our medical crossword in December 2024! After reading MT im Dialog during the year 2024, you may now test your knowledge. The terms in the crossword are all words you might know from the issues during this year.


3    A malignant tumor that develops in the airways and can also develop in the cells lining the airways (bronchi).

5    When a substance is introduced into the body that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies against certain bacteria or viruses.

7    A sudden onset of neurological dysfunction, originating from a circulatory disorder in the brain or a cerebral hemorrhage.

8    This occurs when the protective layer of the skin is damaged or the top layer of the skin is injured, allowing pathogens to penetrate.

12    These substances are mainly used to treat severe pain.


1    Not an insect, but an arachnid. It can transmit Lyme disease and FSME at any stage of its development. When it becomes saturated with blood, its body swells considerably.

2    It is the…

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