Medical Crossword 2019

Let's say it in English
Carmen Lobitz
Medical Crossword 2019

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* Pflichtfeld

Welcome to our English MTA Dialog medical crossword in December 2019! After reading MTA Dialog 2019 you may now test your knowledge. The terms in the crossword are all words you might know from the issues during this year.

Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Paula Grünewald for her wonderful work on the crossword.


1 What is meant if bacteria, fungi, and viruses living as a community. Especially the collection of microorganisms living in or on the human body.

4Destroyingharmful microorganisms with a solution.

6 When an infection passes from one living thing to another without infection, it is called. . .

9 The sensation of flavour on contact with a substance.

11 The act of making contact with something.

13 It is used in veterinarian medicine, a MRI for horses.

14 Body part of some animals (between the fetlock and the hoof).

15 One of the front legs of animals.

17 Treatment to produce immunity against a certain disease.

18 A tropic disease transmitted by mosquitoes causing fever.

19 The act…

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