Why does a lab need quality management?

Let's say it in English
Carmen Lobitz
Titelbild zum englischen Beitrag über Qualitätsmanagementsysteme
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* Pflichtfeld

What is a quality management system? Quality Management in the lab means standardizing procedures and practices, which contributes and ensures a high quality of laboratory test results. Quality management systems (QMS) are basically about error prevention rather than correction. Their purpose is to establish mechanisms and tools to prevent errors from occurring and (if they do happen) providing rules on how to deal with them professionally.

Why does a laboratory need a quality management system?

The assistance of a quality management system helps improve laboratory standards and meets or exceeds customer expectations. Lab results are crucial in healthcare. However, if they are inaccurate, non-reliable or delivered too late they do not help and can actively harm healthcare procedures, diagnoses or treatments.

“Laboratory quality management system” is also an ISO standard (ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization). A lab with an implemented quality management system can then be ISO accredited. The ISO standards are helpful guidelines for developing an individual laboratory quality management system. ISO accreditation is not mandatory. However, it may be necessary to gain recognition for some services. One…

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