Sexually Transmitted Diseases (I)

Let's say it in English
Carmen Lobitz
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (I)
Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) image of Treponema pallidum bacteria © CDC/ Dr. David Cox, public domain

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* Pflichtfeld

What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)? STDs are diseases that are transmitted via various types of sexual intercourse – including vaginal, oral and anal intercourse. STD infections mostly occur in the genital and anal mucosae. However, they may also infect the eyes, the mouth and pharynx.

Condoms and dental dams are the only ways to prevent infection. It is also important to remember to clean sex toys often, and very carefully between each person. Each day, more than one million people get infected with STDs. Infection with one STD increases the risk to getting infected with another STD. This is one of the reasons why it is crucial to detect and treat them as early as possible. It is always important to recent sexual partners too, to prevent a “ping-pong effect”. It is very highly recommended to wash toys and apply fresh condoms when going from anal to other forms of sex. There are four types of STDs:

  • bacterial
  • fungal
  • viral
  • and parasitic infections.

In this article I am going to focus on the most common bacterial STDs.

Syphilis: What do we know about this STD?


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