The Human Sensory Organs

Let's say it in English
Carmen Lobitz
The Human Sensory Organs
© happyvector071 –

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* Pflichtfeld

What are senses? A sense is the ability to perceive stimuli from the environment and the own body. Those stimuli are perceived through our sensory organs which are the eyes, the nose, the ears, the tongue as well as the skin and several internal sense organs. The sense organs contain specific cells which have the function to translate a physical or chemical stimulus into electrical nerve activity. These cells are called sensory cells or receptor cells.

What happens during perception?

During this perception, a stimulus is translated into nerve impulses, which are then transferred over nerve pathways to the brain. Thus, our senses form the connection between us and our environment as well as to the internal processes of our bodies (such as blood pH and sucrose level, body temperature, limb position etc.). The brain processes those nerve impulses letting us form a perception of smell, taste, feel, sight, and hear and touch.

Do we have five senses?

You might identify smelling, tasting, touching, seeing and hearing as the classically defined five senses. However, modern science has identified even more senses such as nociception (perception of pain) as well as the perception of temperature, proprioception (self perception of our body), eq…

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