What about Diabetes mellitus in dogs?

Carmen Lobitz
Foto eines Hundes zwischen einem Donut und einem Apfel
© Михаил Решетников/stock.adobe.com

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What is diabetes mellitus? Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is characterized by a chronically elevated blood sugar level, which is caused by insulin deficiency or insulin resistance.

Insulin is a hormone that controls the uptake of sugar by tissue and organ cells. Without insulin, the sugar remains in the blood and disrupts the carbohydrate metabolism.

The two most common forms of diabetes mellitus are Types 1 and 2. Type 1 is an auto-immune disease which manifests in an insulin deficiency. The insulin-producing cells located in the pancreas lose their function. Type 2 diabetes develops when both the insulin-producing cells produce insufficient hormone AND the tissue cells do not properly react to insulin – they become insulin resistant.

Diabetes mellitus is not only common in humans (with a rising number of cases), it is also one of the most common metabolic diseases of dogs and cats. About one percent of dogs in Germany suffer from diabetes mellitus.

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