Semen Analysis (Spermiogram)

Sperm count
Carmen Lobitz
Titelbild des englischen Beitrags über Samenanalyse
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* Pflichtfeld

A semen analysis, also called a sperm count, measures the volume and analyses the quality of semen and sperm e.g. for insemination and after a vasectomy.

What is semen? Semen is a fluid, also called ejaculate or seminal fluid. It contains sperm, which are the male reproductive cells (or spermatozoa). Sperm makes up a fraction of approximately 2–5 % of the semen. It is produced in the testicles (the male gonads). Human sperm have a unique  shape. The head portion includes DNA to fertilize a woman’s egg and the tail potion helps it travel (“swim”) through a woman’s reproductive system to reach the egg and fertilize it. Seminal fluid is produced in the seminal vesicles (65–75 % of the semen) and the prostate (25–30 %). Semen also contains proteolytic enzymes, prostaglandins, vitamin C, citric acid and fructose. The seminal fluid allows sperm to be deposited toward the back of a woman’s vagina; the seminal proteins, vitamins and minerals…

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