The three major skin cancer types (II)

Skin Cancer
Carmen Lobitz
Skin Cancer – The three major skin cancer types (II)
© bertys30 – Fotolia

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In the January issue 2020, I described the basics of skin cancer. In this issue I am going to discuss the three major types of skin cancer.

What are the major types of skin cancer?

There are three major types of skin cancer:

  • basal cell carcinoma – the most common form (non-melanoma skin cancer highly curable)
  • squamous cell carcinoma – second most common form (non-melanoma skin cancer highly curable)
  • melanoma – most dangerous (high lethal)

Unusual types of skin cancer:

  • Merkel cell tumors
  • Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans

What is a basal cell carcinoma (BCC)?

As the most common form of skin cancer (more than 4 million cases in the US each year), BCC begins its growth in the basal cells, when one of these cells evolves mutations in its DNA. The mutation causes the cell to proliferate rapidly and continue growing when it would normally die. Located at the bottom of the epidermis, basal cells continuously divide and, thereby,…

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