Common Cattle Diseases: An Overview

Let’s say it in English
Carmen Lobitz
Photo of three brown cattle
© jurra8/

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Cattle farming is a significant agricultural activity all over the world. However, it comes with the challenge of managing various diseases which can affect the herd. Some of the most common diseases among cows are calf scour, bovine flu, mastitis, foot rot, and pink eye. In the following we will discuss these diseases.

How Does calf scour Manifest?

Calf scour, or neonatal diarrhoea, is a common and possibly lethal condition affecting calves, typically within the first three weeks of their life. The primary causes of calf scour include infections by pathogens such as rotavirus, coronavirus, cryptosporidium, and ­enterotoxigenic E. coli. Parasites can also infect cattle with calf scour. Non-infectious calf scour can be caused by poor nutrition. Transmission is facilitated through contact with contaminated ­faeces, bedding or feeding equipment. Humans are susceptible to infection by handling infected animals or drinking contaminated water.

Symptoms of calf scour include watery diarrhoea that can be ­yellow or green in colour, dehydration, sunken eyes, lethargy, and a reluctance to stand or suckle. If not…

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