Premium Hämatologie

Lymphocytes with hair-like projections

An exciting finding
Reinhild Herwartz, Roland Fuchs
Lymphocytes with hair-like projections
B-lymphocyte, scanning electron microscopy, note the villous membrane structure © UK Aachen

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* Pflichtfeld

The occurrence of irregular cell contours especially in B lymphocytes is physiologically and electron microscopically well documented.

Lymphocytes with irregular, hair-shaped, fringe- or shredlike extended cytoplasmic contour are a diagnostic challenge not rarely encountered in blood smear samples. The difficulty consists in deciding whether an artefact, a reactively changed lymphocyte or hair-cell leukemia (HCL) is involved. The morphological principle applies: Diagnostically, the hair-like lymphocyte is a hairy matter. Not every lymphocyte with hairlike cytoplasmic projections is a hair cell.

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