Das Ziel dieses von der EFRS geförderten Projekts ist es, die Standardisierung und Optimierung der Forschungsethikprozesse in der Radiographie (medizinische Bildgebung, Strahlentherapie und Nuklearmedizin) in Europa zu unterstützen, die verschiedenen Regelungen transparenter zu machen und Beratung für Radiographie-Forscher in Europa anzubieten. Das Ausfüllen der Umfrage soll etwa 15 Minuten dauern und der EFRS würde sich über Antworten bis Montag, den 5. Juli freuen.
Ethics has been granted for this project by the City, University of London, SHS Research Ethics Committee (Reference: ETH1920-0977). Gatekeeper’s approval has been granted through the EFRS Executive Board to engage with our members and networks. EFRS would thus ask for your help in circulating this survey as widely as possible. We are targeting any radiographers who are involved in research activity in any settings. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and EFRS would value your responses by Monday July 5th. The EFRS and the research team would like to thank you in advance for your assistance and participation.
The link to the survey is:
Quelle: EFRS
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