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Progressive muscular dystrophies

Stefanie Amend-Barudio
© 24K-Production/

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A number of different chronic diseases of the skeletal muscles are summarized under the term „progressive muscular dystrophy“. What they all have in common is the progressive loss of functional muscle substance.

Muscular dystrophy is a muscular disorder characterised by the deterioration of muscle tissue (muscular atrophy). Muscular dystrophy is a hereditary disease and there is currently no cure. Muscular dystrophy should not be confused with the term muscular atrophy. Muscular atrophy describes the degeneration of muscles due to a lack of exertion or a lack of nutrients. The most common cause of muscular atrophy is inactivity following an accident.

Taken from MT im Dialog 07/2024, translated by mt g medical translation GmbH & Co KG

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