EFRS: Supporting Project EURAMED rocc-n-roll

Jan Engel - Fotolia

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* Pflichtfeld

Die EFRS unterstützt das Horizon 2020-Projekt EURAMED rocc-n-roll der Europäischen Kommission. Das dreijährige Projekt zielt darauf ab, einen integrierten und koordinierten europäischen Ansatz für Forschung und Innovation in medizinischen Anwendungen von ionisierender Strahlung und damit verbundenem Strahlenschutz vorzuschlagen, der auf dem Konsens der Interessengruppen und den bestehenden Aktivitäten in diesem Bereich basiert.

The EFRS is supporting the European Commission Horizon 2020 Project EURAMED rocc-n-roll. The 3-year project aims to propose an integrated and coordinated European approach to research and innovation in medical applications of ionising radiation and related radiation protection (RP) based on stakeholder consensus and existing activities in the field.

Education and Training in medical application of ionising radiation and related radiation protection is a major element of the project, aiming to develop a methodological framework and guidance document on how to organise, implement and disseminate education and training (E&T) in medical RP amongst health professionals and how to include E&T in all research projects to equip researchers with a sound knowledge base of the science required for RP research, to build capacity in RP research and ensure sustainability of the field, including the link with industry regarding new technological developments, from a RP perspective.

European survey

Readers are encouraged to participate in this European survey and thus help to identify the needs/problems/challenges for each health profession in relation to RP E&T and to assess the status quo of national implementation of the E&T requirements laid down in the European Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom – Basic Safety Standards (BSS).

The survey is addressed to relevant national stakeholders, including national scientific and professional societies, regulators, and to individuals with an interest in medical imaging (radiology, nuclear medicine, hybrid imaging) and radiotherapy from the 27 EU countries, plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.

Please click here to access the survey:


The survey contains 40 questions mostly in multiple choice format and should take less than 15 minutes to complete. The deadline for survey completion is 26/03/2021.

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