Anomalies and Norm Variants – Skeletal Changes 3.22

Medial and lateral accessories of the tarsus
Hans-Joachim Thiel
Anomalies and Norm Variants – Skeletal Changes 3.22
Fig. 4.2: VRT of the MS-CT with 3-D image of the os vesalianum (arrow) © HJ Thiel

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In the tarsal region, accessory bones are repeatedly detected in skeletal and joint diagnostics of the foot. Interest is focussed on the medially located os tibiale externum and the laterally located os peroneum and os vesalianum.


Os tibiale externum, vesalianum und peroneum sind 3 von zahlreichen akzessorischen Ossikeln des Fußes, medial und lateral gelegen. Sie sind meist asymptomatisch und werden zufällig entdeckt. Bei Schmerzen im Bereich des Mittelfußes können sie in pathologische Prozesse involviert sein.

Schlüsselwörter: Os tibiale externum, Os vesalianum, Os peroneum, Röntgen, CT, MRT


Os tibiale externum, vesalianum and peroneum are three of many accessory ossicles of the foot, located medially and laterally. They are usually asymptomatic and are detected incidentally. If pain occurs in the metatarsal region they may be involved in pathological processes.

Keywords: Os tibiale externum, os vesalianum, os peroneum, x-ray, CT, MRI

Taken from MTA Dialog 12/2021

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