Urinalyses in the Veterinary Clinic

Let’s say it in English
Carmen Lobitz
Urinalyses in the Veterinary Clinic
Microscopical techniques are inevitable for urinalyses. © Wavebreakmedia/iStockphoto

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* Pflichtfeld

Urinalyses are very helpful if there’s a suspicion on a disease an animal might have.

Urinalyses in the Veterinary Clinic

Urinalyses are very helpful if there’s a suspicion on a disease an animal might have. To diagnose this, the veterinary technologist takes some urine of the animal and examines it to find out its characteristics like:

  • volume
  • colour
  • turbidity
  • odor
  • specific weight.

Additionally you find out the components, e.g. protein, glucose and hemoglobin. There is a great variety of urinalyses. The most common tests are:

  • pH-value
  • glucose
  • protein
  • hemoglobin
  • myoglobin
  • urea
  • bilirubin

Examples for microscopical analyses are:

  • urinary sediment (e.g. leukocytes, erythrocytes)
  • urinalysis on microorganisms.

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