International Society of Radiographers & Radiological Technologists

26 - 29 August 2020

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* Pflichtfeld

The ISRRT 2020 Conference Programme Committee call for abstracts is now open.

In August 26-29th, 2020, the World Congress of the International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists (ISRRT) comes to Dublin, Ireland for the first time. The ISRRT represents over 500,000 members from 94 member countries as the global voice of Radiography and hosts its World Congress every two years, rotating across all the continents of the world. Returning to Europe, ISRRT 2020 offers a quality meeting together with great social interaction to bring Radiographers and Radiologic Technologist from around the world together. This is an invaluable opportunity to learn and network with colleagues from around the world, but also to enjoy the beauty and ambience of Ireland! Share your knowledge and experience by getting involved!

We are seeking current and thought-provoking topics and speakers who can engage their audiences with quality-driven content in lively and informative discussions. As well as our core of active contributors, we particularly welcome submissions from new speakers.

The Call for Abstracts will close on 17th January 2020.

Abstract submissions for both oral & poster presentations - please use the following link; Submitters will be required to create an account before accessing 'Submit Your Abstract Now' button.

We are looking forward to an exciting Conference in Dublin in August 2020. To Keep up to date with the conference via our website:

Terms and Conditions and conference leaflet to download as per the attached.

ISRRT Timeline:

  • 1st June 2019 – 17th January 2020 Abstract submission open for Scientific papers (oral presentations & posters)
  • September 2019 Online Registration & Accommodation Open
  • 29th February 2020 Notification to abstract submitters
  • 30th March 2020 Early bird Registration Deadline
  • 26-29th August 2020 ISRRT 2020 Conference

The congress venue's address is: The Convention Centre Dublin, Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
View the venue:
Visiting Dublin:

Kind regards

ISRRT Conference Programme Committee

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